Simlous Lake Horse Ranch

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Name: Simlous Lake Horse Ranch
Address: 1736 Baylee Loop
Twinbrook, MO
Owner: Unknown
Size: 60x60
Maximum Housing: 4
Constructed By: Paige @ Equus

For years the Bayless Memorial Junkyard stood as a rather stagnant monument to the family's "donations" to the town of Twinbrook. That changed when possession of the dump found it's way into the hands of Chase Bayless; she decided to do away with the eye-sore, and almost put her family into worse debt than before by completely tearing down the old junk heap, and bringing Simlous Lake Horse Ranch to life in its place.

After five years, the ranch still stands, however in slight disrepair. The financial problems of the Bayless Family are even harder than when Chase was a child, leaving the ranch with poor maintenance and an exterior that makes the place seem much older than it actually is. There are times where Chase has considered selling it, to try and make back some of the expenses spent on its construction, but the worry is always that a commerical enterprise would come in its place, erasing all the hard work that she put into giving the horses of Twinbrook a sanctuary of their own.

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Despite the financial problems of the ranch, it still manages to function with the help of Margo Kane, who agreed to work there with LEC Academy lessons as payment instead of an actual wage--an agreement offered to her by Christina and Rachel, who decided to help Chase out in her time of need. However, there's no telling how long this arrangement will last, as Chase is already beginning to look at outside buyers interested in owning and managing the stables in her stead.

Only time will tell what happens to the ranch, but in the meantime, it stays on its wobbly feet by housing 4 misfit horses: two Lawrence Equestrian extras looking for homes (LEC The Sound and the Fury and LEC Rock the Bass), an arabian cross named "Mumba" who is owned by the de Wynter family, and Dusty Dame, a mare owned by the late Mrs. Bedlington, who unfortunately did not clearly specify Dusty's fate in her will.

The ranch features 4 stalls, a large tackroom and feed storage, several paddocks for grazing/exercise, and a training arena large enough for small jumping shows.


Puuurrr says:
at: July 16, 2012 at 1:44 PM said...

how can i download this ? It's so amazing !

Unknown says:
at: July 25, 2012 at 3:38 PM said...

I'm glad you like it! Paige put a lot of work into it for me, I really appreciate her doing so. :)

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to contact her for a long time, and I don't like giving out people's creations without their permission, so for no there is no way to obtain it for yourself. In the future though this may change, so when life is a little less hectic for me I'll see what I can do!

СенатВайль says:
at: September 29, 2012 at 10:01 PM said...

это замечательно! так все реалестично, уютно и ярко! очень хочется ее скачать!

Rita Rodríguez says:
at: October 26, 2012 at 8:27 AM said...

Donde se puede descargar?? :)

happylana says:
at: February 22, 2014 at 9:17 AM said...

can i downloade it?

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